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  • ConnectedNow

Welcome to ConnectedNow

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

ConnectedNow came from a common occurrence I saw within the small to medium business sector where there was a lack in smaller forms of support to these businesses. There are many technical providers but there wasn't a way to cut through the jargon or technical terms making it confusing for many. As times have become tougher, especially for smaller businesses, budgets may not allow for extra spending on an external marketing firm or you may not know where to start. This is where ConnectedNow comes in!

This service is here to provide entry level support to your business which is affordable and reportable to show tangible results. Services start from general marketing support or social media management through to complete marketing and business growth consulting. The goal is to bridge the gap between your business and the providers of professional services such as marketing and online platform support.

Whether you need a short term hand to help you learn the tools of the trade to run your own marketing platforms or whether you want a full time contractor, ConnectedNow has you covered.

This doesn't just include marketing, as my background in being an active participant in local procurement can also provide the support you need to help you win perform better within the tendering platforms you may engage with already. Whether this is bolstering your local content or communicating your current commitments to a higher level, support can be given to help improve your performance when tendering in your region.

To get things started I'm offering a 1 hour free introductory session so we can see what support your business needs and this gives you a chance to see if I will be a good fit for your business.

I am committed to bringing easy to understand technical support to your business to help you achieve the best from your venture.

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